Hi earthly gardeners!
Just popping in to brag a bit about my tiny backyard garden. I placed cardboard from a moving box on top of scalped bermuda grass lawn, then layered on leaves, mulch, potting soil, etc. then planted green beans. Just a few months later, and they are up and producing quite nicely. I just picked about a pound of beans, which is more than enough for husband and I with some leftover. I also stuck a few beans here and there in some potted plants I have, and they are also producing a few beans at a time. It all adds up!
I usually garden one way or another throughout the winter here....this year I'll be working on getting in new beds for the spring. I'm planting natives (because they take so much less water and are not invasive and do well), focusing on bee, butterfly and bird plants.
I hope I can inspire at least one of you to grow some food in that wasteful lawn....good for you AND the earth!
happy trails,
bobbi c.
Leander, TX
Hi, Bobbi. I'll be moving to Leander next May, and am currently spending weekends there. I want to expand a garden we did this past year, but don't know a good nursery or resource. Is there an organic gardening club in Leander? Other resources?
You are one talented, busy person. This blog will be watched closely, I'm sure. Now I want to go check out your web site.
Hi barbee'....same to you! I cringed when I read about all the flowers and baby trees you had to compost. I'm always digging up stragglers and moving them around. I have limited space in this yard/garden, though. But that's OK, it's easier to keep up with.
bobbi c.
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