Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Alternatives to lawns....

Mornin' friends!

As part of my research into front yard gardens, I've been doing a lot of surfing. Just found this excellent article by Olivia Johns, Horticulturalist at the Calgary Zoo Botanical Gardens.

Alternatives to Lawns

I'm getting anxious to start my new garden in the new house. Yes, it will be different. For one thing, I won't be able to garden in my cotton night-dress anymore like I can out here. At least not in the front yard. LOL. And I'll have to take my neighbor's opinions into account...sort of. And then there are those outdated, pesky rules that some cities have that dictate what you can or can't plant in your front yards. (I won't go there today!)

Instead, I'm dreaming of espaliered apple trees against the side of the garage. And a shady grape arbor in the back corner of the backyard garden.

And a rosemary hedge by the street....in the FRONT.

And just for inspiration, here's a photo of what my front "yard' garden looks like now:

and my new front yard....Looks like I have my work cut out for me!

dig it!

bobbi c.


Anonymous said...

Hi Bobbi,

I look forward to reading more about your research into front yard gardens. My HOA are total yard nazi's, so I'm looking to do edible front yard landscaping that won't bring us tons of HOA letters saying we have "weeds" growing. Sigh...

We have yet to water our grass this summer, thanks to all this Texas hill country rain we've been getting. (Ain't it crazy!) But I would love to get rid of all our grass. Let me know how you do.

I'm adding you to my links as well. (Thanks for the link 2 my blog...I appreciate it!) Let's chat/email sometime, since we're so close in location & have similar goals. Perhaps we could learn from & inspire each other.

Greenly Yours,


Anonymous said...

I've got a shady front lawn (also in the Hill Country), and I've got lots of Inland Sea Oats, Hinckley's Columbine, Philipine violet, Turk's Cap, and Shrimp Plant. And this year I'm making peace with the dichondra that's invading the St. Augustine. It seems to do well with or without water, and is dense enough to make a great groundcover. I like the way it looks, so in the long run maybe it'll help with the water bill (that is...if it ever stops raining).

Anonymous said...

It is such a blank slate, you could do anything you want.
