Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Oh, my achin' back!

The Earthly Gardener by Bobbi A. Chukran
February 26, 2007

Dear friends,

I stooped over one of my raised garden beds on Saturday morning and planted at least 70 very teeny little scallion onion babies. I haven’t planted onions in years, because, as we all know, they are so cheap in the stores. But when we started buying organic onions, the price went up. Well worth the extra cost, I thought, especially given the problems that some restaurants have had lately with scallions.

I had already planted a bunch of onion bulbs in a pot inside, and in a larger tub outside, but wanted some of the long thin onions to use on salads, stir frys, etc.

After planting the first 25 or so, I got the hang of it, and started using my finger to poke just the right sized hole in the soil. I would poke, put the onion in, pinch the soil around the neck of the onion, poke, put in, pinch, etc. It became a meditative Zen thing, and while doing that I managed to turn off the Critic for a while, and actually got a few ideas for short stories, maybe even a short play. Amazing how that works–the garden has always been a source of inspiration for me in so many ways.

Onions are simple, take care of themselves, and can be harvested in a short period of time. You can find scallion starts in garden centers, hardware stores, some grocery stores and even at Wal-mart in their garden section.

It’s much warmer here the last few days, spring can’t be far behind!

dig it!

bobbi c.
Copyright ©2007 bobbi a. chukran.

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