Thursday, October 28, 2010

Raised Garden Beds

I finally found a better photo of my raised garden beds made from inexpensive cedar fence pickets and metal tent stakes. I was using wooden stakes, but they only lasted about 6-months. These stakes (found at Academy) will last much longer. At the time I took the photo, it was early spring and I had a wonderful crop of volunteer sunflowers.

Right now, I'm growing all sorts of beans and greens in the vegetable garden beds, including mustard, arugula, collards, brussel greens (leaves from brussel sprout plants), radishes and have recently just planted spinach.

I've just had my largest early fall harvest yet, was able to put many gallon bags of beans and greens in the freezer, and look forward to many more during the late fall and winter.

My little organic garden sure helps to keep our grocery bills down!

Happy trails!

bobbi c.

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