Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Praying mantis and other beneficial insects...

The Earthly Gardener by Bobbi A. Chukran
February 12, 2007

Dear friends,

Usually by this time of year, it’s getting warmer here. Not this year! This weekend was rainy, which is usually a good time to plant herbs and such, but it was also bone-chilling cold and foggy. Yuck. I did go out and walk around the garden for a bit, though, and found several praying mantis egg cases. I know it’s one of those geeky gardener things, but I truly get jazzed when I find those! Praying mantises are great beneficial insects to have in your garden. Many people have a mistaken belief that they are harmful to people, but that’s not true. Well, not exactly. Last year I wrote a story about one I happened upon in my garden. It also includes some facts about praying mantises. Until I posted it on my website, I had no idea how popular they are as pets. Who knew? Anyway, I hope you enjoy the story.

You can find it HERE.

Hope to have more stories for you as time goes by…and more gardening info. tomorrow!

Dig it!

bobbi c.
All text and photos Copyright ©2005-2007 by Bobbi A. Chukran. All rights reserved.

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