Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Great garden magazine, Mother Earth News

The Earthly Gardener by Bobbi A. Chukran
February 14, 2007

Dear friends,

I picked up the current issue of Mother Earth News magazine the other day, and this particular issue is chock full of great articles. It includes a great article about how to grow tomatoes all year long, how to grow cherries and asparagus, and an especially important feature on “Real Food…Why Growing Your Own is Best.” Pick it up on the newstand, check it out in a library, or subscribe. I find it a valuable resource for organic gardening and general DIY projects.

Thanks to Susan from my Writing the West writing group for her tip about using a heat mat. She says that she uses one in CO when starting tomato and basil seedlings, and that the extra heat underneath the plants makes for a stronger root system. Thanks, Susan, I’m going to add a heat mat to my “things I have to have” list!

Speaking of things I have to have, I finally bought an Earthbox this weekend. I’m looking forward to using it and testing it here in my garden. An Earthbox is a container gardening system, self-watering and highly efficient.

Dig it!

bobbi c.
Copyright ©2007 bobbi a. chukran.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have any of you ever heard of this new basket liner called "supamoss" ? I bought a container at Enchanted Forest this past weekend and it was lined with this stuff...it's so cool!!! It doesn't attract squirrels and birds like the spanghum moss and coconut liners and it's soft and looks like natural moss...but the sales clerk told me it would last 2-3 years...I was blown away. Apparently, it's new to the US, made in the UK...so I wanted to share the info....there's a website for them that's apparently not fully functional, but it will give you an idea...www.supamossliner.com. Happy Gardening and stay warm!!!