Thursday, May 3, 2007

Gaia's OK, I think...

Dear friends,

My heart is warmed by the number of messages I've received overnight, asking about Gaia.

I talked to a member of the Austin Wildlife Rescue group last night about 10pm. He urged us to leave her alone, and said that deer mothers hardly ever abandon their babies. Rudy had tried to protect her with a tarp, draped over the trashcans she was sleeping beside, but we were told to remove it. He also said that the mother probably didn't come back during that time because we were watching the baby, through the windows! Huh.

He also said I could go out after the storm and dry her off with a towel if I wanted, to keep her warmer, but I saw that she was licking herself dry, so I didn't bother her. It was still fairly warm, even after the storm. I had a fitful sleep, worrying! LOL

This morning I ran out in my nighty, in the fog, and saw that she was gone. There was a flattened spot in the grass where she'd slept. I assume that Mama Deer came and got her sometime between the hours of 1 a.m. and 6:30 a.m. this morning.


bobbi c.


Naturegirl said...

WHEW! I do hope you get to see mamma and baby strolling together. :) NG

Bobbi A. Chukran, Author said...

Hi naturegirl!

Yes! I'm pretty sure I saw them yesterday strolling past my back bedroom window. What a wonderful sight!

Thanks for writing!

bobbi c.