Monday, April 14, 2014

Getting there! More in-progress photos of painted cottage . . .

Just wanted to post a few more "in progress" photos of the house and garden.  Husband just finished up painting the front of the house (YAY!) although I don't have all the photos  yet because the scaffolding, etc. is still up and I need to wait til it's down.

We also had another huge repair to do---crumbling City of Taylor sewer lines have to be replaced and we had to pay the city to install a tap into their main line---something they should have required homeowners to do when they completely re-did the streets back in 2006, but didn't. Now anytime these old pipes have to be re-routed (and most of them will have to be sooner or later), they'll have to dig up the street-AGAIN.  Sigh.

When I write my book on how to buy an old house (and what NOT to do), there will be extensive issues about old plumbing in it---believe me! :-)

So, here they are, working hard at it:

Bright and early, at 7 am

The very efficient City of Taylor crew--got the job done fast

Now, house pics!

Almost finished---still needs more green on the window sashes and the front screen door re-do

LOVE that little attic window!
 It never occurred to me that Victorian houses are painted the way they are to show off every little bit of architectural detail.  So when I read that, I decided to do the same thing with this 1930s jewel.  In the original photos, you barely even notice the little attic window.  Using the two colors on it, and the third (brown) color for the brackets, really shows it off.

And while Husband was hard at work finishing up the front, I was in the back working on a "little" project---scraping and sanding the old paint from the original wooden awning that will go over the left-most windows on the front.

That's a lot of scraping and sanding!

More pics, added later:

Here's the amazing custom light fixture my sister and brother-in-law made for us.  LOVE it there over the front porch!

And here are a few pics from the garden, taken right before the April cold front and wind storm/hail came through:

Coral honeysuckle, hummingbird magnet grows on a re-purposed clothesline pole.  Wrought iron from the old greenhouse shed decorates one side of it.

Perennial onions are blooming, and are always a delight to bees, butterflies and people!

And the back porch garden. . .

And just for grins, another look at the BEFORE:

Happy trails from Texas!  Come on, spring!

bobbi c.

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