Tuesday, August 21, 2012

More garden inspiration...

An oldie-but-goodie from waaaay back in 2007.....

More Garden Inspiration...

A brass sundial sits on an old cedar tree stump in my former courtyard garden
The theme today is “garden as inspiration.” How does your garden inspire you? While flipping through some photos we took last year in my garden, I ran across this arty shot of my sundial. It sits on an old dead cedar stump and is one of the first things you see when you walk into my front garden gate.

Of course, being silly, I want to plant “thyme” underneath it, or perhaps “four-o-clock” flowers. It could be the beginning of a whole theme garden based on the word “time”. 

Since I'm really into storytelling, can you write a story using your garden as the setting, and "time" as the subject?  Why not try it?  Nobody's giving grades here!  LOL.

A galvanized pan sitting on a rock makes a simple, inexpensive birdbath
 I love garden ornaments, and have several. Birdbaths, sundials, gazing balls, little gargoyle guys, even a few gnomes, a “Welcome to my Garden” sign that a neighbor/friend gave me, and a great aged-looking cement rabbit with really long ears. Plants are definitely the reason for the garden, but the ornaments add to its inspiration.

How does your garden inspire you? Come on, I wanna know!

Happy trails from my Texas garden......

bobbi c.

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